WJTV visits Kosciusko Upper Elementary

Friday, September 21, 2012

Great News! Kudos to the 2011-2012 Staff in the Kosciusko District!

How wonderful it is to read positive things about our school district.  The Kosciusko Star Herald shared information from the Mississippi Department of Education.  The good news reinforced the pride we feel in the staff and students at Kosciusko.

Kosciusko Public School Ranks 6th Statewide!  (Click on the link to see the article from the  Kosciusko Star Herald)


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mayor Jimmy Cockroft proclaimed September 21 as POW/MIA DAY!!!


Patriotism is in the air at Kosciusko Upper as students and staff had the opportunity to honor veterans from the Veterans Home in Kosciusko. Mayor Jimmy Cockroft has written a proclamation declaring September 21, POW/MIA Day. There will be ceremonies in Kosciusko at the Veterans Home to honor the veterans. Students were able to hear speakers present information about the number of service men who are prisoners of war or missing in action. (POW/MIA) Students who have a family member serving or who has served our country were asked to stand. The students were told that a great way to honor those who are currently serving is to write letters. Melvin Gibson, a Veteran's Service Officer, spoke to the students and asked the students to write a paragraph about what PATRIOTISM means to them.


We were honored to have special guests from the Veterans home in Kosciusko.

Veteran's Service Officer, Melvin Gibson

Listening with attentiveness and interest!

The book, America's White Table was read. 

Our three guests were so excited when I (Mrs. Land) shared with them that my daddy served in the Marines at Iwo Jima.

The white table was decorated with items that were symbolic for our men and women in service and especially those who are Prisoners of War and Missing in Action.

A wonderful book, and the children were so quiet and attentive as it was read.


Flag Retirement Ceremony

The United States Flag had served its tour of duty, flying daily over Kosciusko Upper for all to see as they entered the building each day.  Through its time of service, many events happened at the school, in the community and in the nation, and the flag continued to furl with pride.  As the elements from the weather, and from the wear and tear of every day life, became evident on the flag; we realized that it must come down and be replaced.....but not without the dignity of a FLAG RETIREMENT ceremony.  This was a sacred ceremony that many students and some teachers had never participated in.  The American Legion Riders placed flags around the perimeter of the viewing area.  Students sat quietly and listened to the words that were spoken.  There was a special recognition of Mrs. Melanie McCafferty, whose brother died in the strike on the Pentagon on 9-11.  Melvin Gibson talked about the flag and the meaning of each part of the flag, as the flag was placed on the concrete.  Then began the ceremony of retiring the flag that had flown over Upper.  There were tears in the eyes of students and teachers for the pride that we all feel in being able to live in a wonderful country like the United States of America.   Thanks to Mandi Yates for providing some of the pictures. 

Special hugs from friends!


 American Legion Riders

Children were very attentive!

We will never be the same having had this experience. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Personality Letters!!!!!

Students have had so much fun and have learned a lot about each other as they have worked on their Attribute Project.  They learned that "Adjectives" are fun when you are finding ways to describe yourself!   They also learned the value of "Patience" as they worked hard to complete the project in the stages that it had to be completed in.  When not working on their letter, the students were perfecting skills in Chess and other classroom challenges. 

The ladies in my church and the parents of these children sent many magazines for the students to use on this project.

A is so excited to finish his project!
                                                           T loves his sculpture!
Concentrating  and taking his time!
Having fun as they learn!!!

Keep watching.....there are more pictures to be added!!