WJTV visits Kosciusko Upper Elementary

Friday, March 29, 2013

Part 3 Pictures from the Quest Program

President ALJ.....Future Baseball Coach and Future President of the United States

N.....great speaker


Mrs. J and W.......mother and son..... MOM, WHY do I have to do my homework????
Mom:  It will help you in your future!!!

KC does a great job on this song.


"Good Morning"   Wow, these little RAPPERS knocked this song out the roof!!!

Debbie Creel....so glad that she came!!

Can you imagine standing on these chairs for the entire program.

Cute Rappers!!!

Part 2 Pictures from Quest Program

Woooed the crowd with this song and her precious voice!!
Someday Soon

Let's go to the year 2036....as the class of 2021 plan their 15th class reunion.....
Wow....people are already starting to arrive.....They have changed so much.....Have we changed that much......Wow, do we look THAT old!!!

The Mex-Itali Eatery on the square.   Lawyer E and owner of the eatery has had to close his law offices to get ready for the reunion planning committee.  Mayor E. is late arriving.

Dr. B....."Be careful what you serve us, E.  There are going to be many lawyers, policemen, and others here.....we need to stay healthy and well.  
E.....Don't Worry, Dr. B.    We are going to be "Happy, Happy, Happy"
Whole Group:  Duck Dynasty still lives in 2036!!!

E.  In Spanish>>>>> "H, you know you cannot bring a dog into my restaurant.....they would close me down!" 
B. Some people just don't understand our love of animals.
EB.....I know....Can you believe that there are five veterinarians who are from the Class of 2021.
A.  I know....MSU trained us really well.

A table full of Veterinarians.....KOSY animals will be well taken care of!!

C.  I think that our Kosy motto should be :  "Kosciusko, a town full of honey.....You won't be Stung here!!!  
Mayor E.  "I want little beehive lights all over the town."
Artist E:  "What do you think about this design?"
Lawyer E:  "I can add honeybee dessert to the menu .....or even bee wing appetizers."

Fashion designers M and BK ......with hurting backs from designing a cute dress for the SHHHHH!!! A very special, secret  guest to the reunion planning day.

A table full of doctors.....OH MY!!! Will they one day take care of their Quest teacher.....Neurologist, OBGYN, Neonatal nurses, Family practitioners, Pediatricians.....KOSY, We've got you covered!!!

Former Class President has arrived....with her body guards...
HAIL TO THE CHIEF....as the President of the USA arrives to plan the reunion with former classmates!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen....PLease rise for the President of the United States.


E.   Let's see what do I want to be????? A Forensic Scientist.....HMMMM??? A Teacher????? Hmmmm???? I know....I will be what Ms. Fulton has always encouraged me to be.....an Ole Miss Coach....HAHA !!  NOT!!!

Part 1 Pictures from Quest Program

Big Dreams

Lines:  When I grow up I want to be a Forensic Scientist like Abby on NCIS....but I don't want to look like her.

A very special friend who drove two hours to film the program for the students and parents.
Debbie Creel

I love music and want to grow up and be a pianist.

I want to grow up to be a gospel singer, and I will sing the song that my voice coach taught me, "Someday Soon"......I also hope to have a Christian husband.....but not, someday soon!!!!
We want to be artist or have an art gallery......but we can also do this awesome handshake that might just lead us to be politicians.

"Nurse" Pippin from Flora made it possible for Mrs. Land's friend, Debbie Creel to come film our program.......she agreed to ride with Debbie....she also took these pictures and was so much fun to talk to.

Great Singers......so much talent!!!

Welcome to our program.....as you heard from the song, Possibilities, we have many choices in our lives.

Big Dreams

We all have many dreams....we have four Emmas who are working on their talents now.