WJTV visits Kosciusko Upper Elementary

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Shopping for our person at the VA Nursing home

     The Christmas spirit was in the air as students boarded the bus to begin the exciting venture of shopping for our person at the VA Nursing Home.   There were grins on each child's face as he/she looked forward to the opportunity to give to another person .   Students donated money from their piggy banks, their allowances and from their sweet parents so that they could make a few wishes come true.  I (Mrs. Land) loved making blankets for our person and two others.  I must say....it was a little hard for this MSU fan to make an OLE MISS blanket, but as any good spirited MSU fan would do.....I convinced my MSU sewing machine that we could do this task.  My husband and I even went a step further and made this Ole Miss fan a replica of the "Gold Egg" to award to our loyal Ole Miss Veteran.  GULP!!!!  That was a little hard to do....but in the spirit of making this fan's day, we did it.  P and E (students) will love giving this to this special Ole Miss fan.   They probably will wear their Ole Miss clothes to rub it in!!!!
     We received word on Monday that the nursing home had patients with flu and that we would not be able to sing on Wednesday.  We are praying that we can go on Monday.  If we are not able to go because of all of the sickness, the teachers will take the gifts to our special people.  I definitely will take a lot of pictures. 
Shopping trip pictures.  THIS teacher will not even blink an eye the next time she has to take 4 grandchildren to Wal Mart!  These are the most well-mannered children and their behavior was awesome!!! I am so thankful for the opportunity to bring experiences into their lives. 

 A says, "Mrs. Land Are we almost finished?"
  B says, "Shop 'til we DROP!"  "Buy these cookies because she will like these!"
 "I think we should get this....no, this.....no, I love this....I think she would like this!"  Oh what fun it is to shop!!!!!

 "Let me see.....1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8, 9, 10.....WHEW.....I have all of my group!!!"
We were so glad to have Mrs. Spears join us on this trip.
 Mrs. Fulton is a shopping DIVA!!!   E loves to shop too!!!
 "Oh look!  I think I may come back and get one of these for myself!"
 "Can we stay longer to shop?" 
 "HMMMM! What do you think about this?"
 Mrs. Land loves shopping too!!
 Here we are......how many parents would take this many on a shopping trip?
We wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

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